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Kelli Rigo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


(307) 309-5231

My Story

My name is Kelli Rigo and I am the Star Director for Team Scent to the Top. My journey with Scentsy began on October 2nd, 2014. We were struggling financially and my husband I were looking for a way to take some of that burden off of our family. Honestly, we just wanted our 3 kids to be involved in extracurricular activities without wondering how we’d afford it.

I’m happy to say that Scentsy was the answer and we’ve since become quite comfortable financially. Our kids are involved in ALL the sports, we travel a TON together, we were able to move across country, and we’re now considering building our dream home.

Our family lives in Pinedale, Wyoming. Our oldest son is in the military, our daughter is a freshman, and our youngest son is in 8th grade. We have 2 fur puppies - Scout and Moose.

I have earned several incentives, including the leadership cruise to Cozumel, Mediterranean Cruise, Bermuda, Marco Island, and Disney World.

In addition to Scentsy, my husband and I are also teachers. I teach 3rd grade and Tony is a STEM teacher at the middle school. I am entering my 12th year and it’s something I am truly passionate about. Regardless of how far I go in Scentsy (SSD is my goal 😉) or how much my team grows, I will always continue to teach.
In fact, I’ve recently discovered a true passion for leadership and I can add “Certified Business Coach” to my resume.

Immersing myself in home office trainings and programs has helped me to become a better consultant, leader, wife, friend, and mother. I absolutely LOVE this journey and sharing it with others.

Kelli Rigo | 307.309.5231 | |

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